So, do I have any readers? The last thing a writer wants is to be his only reader...What is writing but communicating...communicating my thoughts, my realizations (everyone has at least a half-dozen realizations) telling everyone about it, striking out in new horizons, new challenges, meeting new people, feeling alive because today is another day, the sun has risen and so shall light shine on all the works of a man (what was hidden in the darkness will be revealed in the light of day).What I really want from life...hardly will I know until I find it. Instant karma? Yes, but the karma of more than days, more than lifetimes spent revolving on this wheel of birth & death, what is called 'samsara'. Does one want more than mere life can give? Does one want, after all, to return back to home, back to Godhead or does one want only to loiter in this half-darkness, pushing up the rock of Sisyphus, condemned to roll a rock up a steep mountain incline, getting to the top and being forced down back to where one started. Eternally. Can such a thing be, that if we mess up here in our only one life, we will be condemned forever in a Hell that has written over its entrance gate, "Abandon all hope ye who enter here"?
So to Christians who say we must be 'saved' or else we will be tortured for all eternity, I say, let's not be ridiculous, for the creator has indeed given allowance to those who must believe in an eternal hell...yes, I argue that there are indeed hellish regions where we serve out our time, hells that last a few billion years or so, there are hellish regions that sometimes manifest on this, our Earth, just to remind the citizens of all the suffering and turmoil of the fruit of sinful reactions; here on earth, there is damnation, starvation, earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, fire, mothers hacking off their infants' limbs one by one while listening to Gospel music, America home of the free and mass murderers and it goes on and on. You call this civilization? As Ezra Pound has it, to be sane in an insane society is indeed insane! "Is there anybody normal out there!?"
So, all things considered this, the world we live in, is completely off-kilter, gone-amuck, an animalistic society that sends its children to fight in far-off wars, where we kill animals (especially the cow) and thus produce all kinds of bad-karma which everyone feels. Yet, there is mercy with the Lord. The aim of punishment (divine or human) is to reprimand and rehabilitate. When a child offends and the father punishes the child, does he keep beating forever? Of course not. When the child has learned his lesson, the father forgives and accepts the young one in his embrace. When you ask for bread, are you rewarded with stones? No. Is your Father in Heaven not more wise than any human father? Surely, all sin is forgivable and all mistakes are corrected. The Divine says to humanity, "I shall never abandon you." Is there any solution but to surrender to God, the living spirit who guides us under the Names of Allah, Jehovah, Buddha the merciful and Christ the compassionate, Krishna the lover of innocent souls; is there any other way than to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy mind and all thy strength??
Sometimes one takes pause from all the madness around us and considers that, ultimately, one must surrender to Krishna, one must abandon thyself to divine providence, one must suffer in silence sometimes. One wants all the world to know that, yes, with our love we can change the world. It's our decision whether to be the angels of light we already are, or dwell in the bottom darkness and insist that we are all sinners, from conception til the tomb. Which will it be? All I can say is, in this life, positive overcomes negative (this is a natural law) and the Great God wants us home with Him where we can enjoy all natural delights until the end of time.