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Saturday, July 17, 2010

as if anybody cared

So, I sit here at my keyboard thinking that no one will read this despite the fact that twice I have emailed all my contacts begging them to read 'Bruce's blogs.' Totally inconsequential to all these little people what I am going through. What am I going through? Ya got a couple of years?
Ok, it's like this; I have been on anti-psychotic meds (why don't we just call them 'psyche meds,' Ok, doc?) for over 30 years and I have come down with a condition called 'tardive dyskinesia,' which means, basically, a late occurring involuntary shaking of the limbs. Of course it is very dangerous to be different in any way than so-called 'normal' people. maybe you see some strange person on the bus talking to herself...and then her head starts going from one side to the other. WOW, cool, somebody different than us, she must be crazzzzyyyyy.
Is it the person's fault that the doctors & shrinks have destroyed this person? Well, in the psychiatric community, we don't like to have all these abnormal crazy people with problems thinking that he is "responsible" for his own life, for the choices s/he had made; could it be karma, one's own individual actions, that is responsible for the happiness and distress one feels daily? Oh,'s our mother's fault because she did not potty train us correctly; or we sexually repress ourself that causes complexes and neurosis; or the id or ego or whatever new word technology we use to explain or explain away our own self-caused traumas. Could it be that we are each and every one of us responsible for our own happiness and distress. OH, NO, we can't let the mental incompetents we call patients believe that they are masters of their own destiny; if we give them too much freedom to think and take responsibility for their lives, they may never again come to therapy, no more encounter groups, no more Thorazine fixes, no more daddy-doctors and mommy-nurses. Oh dear, these mentally challenged people just may (God forbid) think for themselves and see the crimes against humanity that have been committed in the names of science and 'the greater social good.'
Oh yes, we like to refer to medicine as 'behavioral science,' kiddies...can you say, "programming the brain"? Can you say, "Learned responses to a given set of stimuli."?
Can you say, "Optimum brain cohesion."? You see, we are not responsible for our's all just a bunch of synapses firing away in our brain. We have a 'thought disorder,' for which we are not responsible and "if we get your meds just right, tweak this Resperdal a little, bring down the Clauseral a little and WE REALLY DON'T KNOW IF THE THORAZINE WILL BE BETTER OR WORSE FOR YOU," then every thing's gonna be just fine & dandy. I AM NOT JUST 98 cents WORTH OF CHEMICALS, DEAR DOKTOR!!!!

Hare Krishna, folks...signing off, your servant and humble Vaisnanva, Bruce Matthew Gatten

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